Sleeping ‘pods’ for homeless in seaside resort
Four emergency accommodation pods are to be installed in Skegness for rough sleepers, East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) has confirmed.
Watch the ITV new report here
This week Amazing Grace Spaces have featured in several media reports as additional councils attempt to take measures to alleviate homelessness.
The self-contained units, measuring 8ft by 6ft, include a toilet, wash basin and bed. They will also be heated and have solar battery power.
The local authority is to spend £70,000 on the shelters to be used by single men and women including those who may not be able to access other forms of emergency shelter because of “complex needs” such as addiction.
The manager of the Storehouse centre, which offers services to rough sleepers, said the pods would give “privacy and security”.
The location for the Skegness pods has yet to be decided. They have already been used in other parts of the country including coastal resorts in Devon and Cornwall.
The Storehouse centre in Skegness, which operates a food bank and services for rough sleepers, including hot meals and washing facilities welcomed the move.
Read the full report from the BBC here