Safe Spaces To Recover
Amazing Grace Space’s (AGS), provide a safe place for residents who would otherwise be homeless, risk of homelessness or are vulnerable housed in unsupported temporary accommodation. Our residents receive quality affordable accommodation and a high-level of support for their individual needs. Residents are in recovery of one of or any combination of addiction drugs / alcohol and other social /or economic problems including mental health and domestic violence and debt. Within the Gwent area our project is unique offering a holistic approach.
Grace to Grace housing project offers change by: Stability – ensuring an environment of safety and support. Dignity – demonstrating genuine respect. Friendship – creating a compassionate community. Purpose – setting goals and sharing life giving experiences. Plan – working towards new opportunities.
Now, more than ever, there are families and individuals facing homelessness – it only takes one trigger – that could be a family breakdown, redundancy, benefits changes or domestic abuse. We offer support and a safe space for people to recover. Help us make them safe so they have the chance to recover and grow.
Partnership is really import to us!
We believe engaging in meaningful relationships with those on the edge of society.
Each church community would host a tenant through friendship and support. We have a number of volunteer opportunities if you have
skills or experience that you think could helps us deliver our objectives and mission.
There are lots of ways to help and get involved… From supporting us financially to sparing some time. You can donate using the DONATE button & please leave us a message if you are interested in becoming involved in other ways.
Yes! We have lots of tools and information for anyone wishing to hold a fundraising event. Please contact us for more info – fundraising events are easy and also great fun!
We accept referrals from;
Self referrals, Probation Prison Drug and Alcohol Agencies, NHS and Doctors, Charities, Churches and Families.
We would love to provide you with more information! Please complete our message form or phone us.
CIO Charity Number 1173626
1 week ago
Council spends £70,000 on emergency pods for rough sleepers - Latest From ITV News
Watch the latest from ITV News - East Lindsey District Council has bought three sleeper pods to tackle homelessness in Skegness.