About Me:
I have been married for 7 years and have three, children aged 5,3 and 6 months.
I am currently serving as the chair of Amazing Grace Spaces and keen to help grow the organisation. I am passionate about the role working alongside other trustees and staff to oversee affordable accommodation and support for the vulnerable in society.
I have extensive experience working with vulnerable women from trafficked situations. I worked for 10 years 2009 to 2019 working alongside the anti- trafficking police and United Nations in Cyprus. My experience involves supporting women from several countries with issues such as mental health, trauma, drug, and alcohol addiction. I managed a safe house for up to 12 victims of trafficking. I was committed and precise in my work, bringing a strong background in housing and homelessness with over 13 years’ experience. I have pioneered projects making them sustainable long term.
I set up the cold winter night shelter provision in Newport Wales 2008. I, with a colleague, worked with 400 volunteers and 14 local churches. We offered a bed space through the cold winter months. I pioneered the project, researching and going to London to see how the project worked there. I put all policies and procedures in place to make sure the project was done in a professional way. The project was a great success I was part of running the project for 6 years. Newport Night Shelter was the first to be run in Wales.
I also have experience of working in hostels and out-reach. Working with those that have come from street homelessness.
I meet with the Director of operations on a monthly basis to support, encourage and give input to her. I have attended and delivered training to staff on an away day which we have now implemented every quarter where Trustees will attend sessions to share their experiences with staff and provide ways to share and grow the culture of the charity.